Give Yourself The Greatest Gift
By: Christopher Green,
Imagine if you could give yourself the best gift ever. A gift that would bring success, happiness and abundance into your life, not just temporarily, but for the rest of your living years.
Would you be interested in having such a gift? Hmm, let me guess! The good news is that YOU CAN. The gift I’m talking about is personal responsibility. Let me share with you precisely why this gift is the best you will ever receive!
When you decide to take personal responsibility for your whole life, a remarkable series of reactions takes place.
All of these reactions increase your personal power.
Acceptance is the first, crucial reaction. You accept that where you are right now is all your doing. No longer will you blame anyone else for your current situation or list excuses such as bad luck or lack of opportunity. Blame and excuses are heavy baggage and they do not bring success.
Acceptance will help you abandon them for good.
In accepting full responsibility for your current situation, you also accept that where you’ll be in a year or 5 years is also down to you. You chose the paths to the destination you’re at right now. Therefore, you can choose better paths to lead you to a greater destination.
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