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Sunday, October 16, 2005

How to Reach the Top of the Ladder of Success

By: Ian McAllister,

First you must get onto the ladder of Success!
I can think of three ways:

1. Become a top sales-person

2. Become a popular writer

3. Pass exams. I can only help you with the last two methods.

1. The leader of your country... President or prime minister or dictator (?) reached the top of the ladder of success by being a good salesperson. Perhaps she sold herself to voters. Maybe he sold himself to fighting forces who put him in power.

2. If you're at least 16 years old - Have you learned to write gripping essays? Make money from writing.You don't need salesmanship to make money - more than enough to pay for sales advisors with your essays.Why do I say 16 years old? Because Nori's success was bringing her good money at that age from her website. Read about it here just wrote essays about her holidays, and took photographs. Google is perfect for this idea. You simply write about 30 interesting essays (pages) before submitting them to Google Adsense. Continued success means keep writing new essays.


Is your subject popular enough for hundreds of visitors/day? Look on to find out what is the top price for each keyword in your subject. Look for a subject with lots of keywords for which advertisers pay $5 or more per click. Each time your Adsense page gets a click, some of that $5 goes to Google and some goes to you.

So you don't need any salesmanship at all to make money from Google. If you have 500 keywords and write two essays per week you'll finish in...

If you follow your initial success you'll think of other approaches over the years. But meanwhile, you'll make money with your essays.

You don't even need to know anything about putting up websites for success. will do all the technical stuff for you, while you concentrate on writing. They also show you other ways to make money once you're earning well from Adsense.

3. Does this mean that you don't need exams?No.

a. Passing exams proves you can learn. Study broadens your mind. Writers and salespeople must see other points of view than their own.

b. Even if you fail your exams, your mind has already been broadened. But why not get the credit for your work if you can?

c. Credit - you may be surprised at the respect you get with a string of letters after your name. You get more respect still from being able to write essays well, but if you have both things going for you...

d. Planning success in employment? You must pass exams........

Read the rest of this article

Article Source: Articles Beyond Better

Ian McAllister discovered the easy way to writing fun essays to beat the examiner as a schoolboy. He still uses the same ideas for fun and profit. Get your free report here.


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